2024 Year In Review [OCA National Edition]

Check out the impact of OCA chapters and OCA National on the various youth programs supporting the AANHPI community. Here’s the wrapped edition below.

OCA 2024 Wrapped is here. Scroll below to see the youth impact we made this year.
We impacted 27 cities this year and this includes 22 schools across 18 states and the District of Columbia.
January to March was our most active quarter. 26 activities took place during this period.
2,660+ student have been impacted and was made possible through OCA chapters, college affiliates, and external partners.
7,500+ voters were reached and includes phonebanking, textbanking, canvassing, voter registration drives, and civi engagement workshops conducte4d by OCA's college affiliates.
The [professional development program] was excellent because I was able to get valuable resources on career education from the event and get contact information from the speakers.
The [mentorship] program gave me many opportunities on my career and my personal life. The workshops were very productive and well organized for me. Overall, this program was very benefitical for myself because of the content, organization, and insights.
The [leadership program] was really great! I often find myself not in my spaces where I can refelct upon when I embraced my Asian identity, so I really liked it!

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