1879 – Chapter 72

The 9th session of the Nevada legislative passed employment restrictions for any Chinese/Mongolian descent.

See the excerpt below.

“Section 1.  From and after the passage of this Act, no Chinaman or Mongolian shall be employed directly or indirectly in any capacity on any public works, or in or about any buildings or institutions, or grounds, under the control of this State.

Section 2.  Hereafter no right of way or charter, or other privileges for the construction of any public works by any railroad or other corporation or association shall be granted to such corporation or association, except upon the express condition that no Mongolian or Chinese shall be employed on or about the construction of such work in any capacity.

Section 3.  Any violation of the conditions of this Act shall work a forfeiture of all rights, privileges, and franchise granted to such corporation or association.”

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Source: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/Statutes/09th1879/Stats187901.html#Stats187901_CH72