1919 – Chapter 35

The 29th session of the Nevada legislative approved the reimbursement of Matthew Kyle of $86.66 for payment of a Chinese Cook.

See the excerpt below.

“Whereas, In the month of May, 1917, the white cook at the Nevada school of industry was ill and unable to attend to her duties; and”
“Whereas, In the month of May, 1917, the white cook at the Nevada school of industry was ill and unable to attend to her duties; and Whereas, In such emergency the then superintendent of the Nevada school of industry, Matthew Kyle, not being able to find a white person to take the place of said cook, employed a Chinese cook at fifty dollars per month and paid said Chinese cook wages for the month of May, 1917; and Whereas, On presentation of the claim for such Chinese cook’s salary to the board of examiners of the State of Nevada, the said claim was rejected by the said board of examiners under the provisions of Revised Laws, 3483, prohibiting the employment of Chinese and Mongolians in any public work or in or about any buildings, institutions, or grounds under the control of this state; and Whereas, Before the said Matthew Kyle was advised of rejection of said claim by the said board of examiners, the said Chinese cook had continued working twenty-two days in the month of June, 1917, and there was thirty-six dollars and sixty-six cents more due him under said employment; and Whereas, Said sum of eighty-six dollars and sixty-six cents was paid by said Matthew Kyle to said Chinese cook out of his own funds; now, therefore, The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1.  The sum of $86.66 is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the relief of said Matthew Kyle. Sec. 2.  The state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant for said sum in favor of said Matthew Kyle, and the state treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same.”

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Source: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/Statutes/29th1919/Stats191901.html#Stats191901_CH33