Check out the latest events/programs. To get up to date information sign up for our newsletter or become a member.

Asian Night Market
Date: To Be Announced
The Las Vegas Asian Night Market is the only one of its kind in the Las Vegas area. This annual event showcases local Asian and Pacific Islander restaurants and businesses, and entertainment for everyone of all ages. 100% of net proceeds from ticket sales support and provide free resources and services for our community, and vendors keep 100% of their profits as well!

Mentorship Program
Date: To Be Announced
For over the last decade, OCA’s mentorship program has helped to ensure that students are career and community ready. The program is open to individuals who fit in four categories: high school, undergraduate, graduate, and newly graduated young professionals. During the three-month program, students will take part in workshops, hear from special guest speakers, and be paired up with mentors in order to develop and learn valuable insights related to career, service, and even life skills.

JACL/OCA Leadership Summit
Date: To Be Announced
Hosted by the Japanese American Citizens League and OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates, the JACL/OCA Leadership Summit is an annual multi-day civil rights and advocacy seminar designed to train OCA/JACL members in foundational and advanced advocacy strategies.

OCA Convention
Date: July 24th, 2025
The OCA National Convention brings together students, working professionals, thought leaders, and community members of all generations for four days of workshops, townhalls, and activities. Through learning and connecting with each other, attendees are able to take their experiences back to their local communities to lead and uplift others.

Regional Advocacy Summit
Date: To Be Announced
This 2-day event will be packed with interactive sessions focused on how to address issues in your community and work with local elected officials to enact change.