Collaborating with OCA

If you are a Las Vegas-based high school or college student who is looking to add more benefits for an Asian Student Union, a multicultural club, or an organization focused on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander culture and empowerment then we’re listing out why adding an OCA membership can be a benefit to your club/organization.

We’re Local and National Organization

OCA Las Vegas is a membership-based organization focused on youth empowerment through a variety of programs focused on Las Vegas Asian American, Native Hawiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

From the mentorship program to event-based projects, there are a diverse range of opportunities for your members to get involved from volunteering to leading.

OCA Las Vegas is one of 50 chapters from across the nation that is focused on empowering and advocating for their AANHPI communities.

An OCA membership means your members are part of a larger organization which means access to more resources focused on AANHPI-related webinars, events, and online publications.

OCA Las Vegas mentorship - leadership on advoacy and service

Empower Others Through Advocacy and Community Building

OCA Las Vegas is comprised of members focused on advocacy and advancing AANHPI rights through community building, legislative advocacy, and building partnerships.

Your members can get involved with a variety of initiatives focused on impacting the Nevada community.

OCA National Convention

Similar to many professional development organizations, OCA has a national conference focused on bringing all OCA chapters together to meet and build relationships.

The OCA National Convention is hosted in different cities and is a great opportunity for your members to travel. Every city has a “host” chapter that plans out a community night to showcase the AANHPI culture in their city.

In addition to exploring the AANHPI community, each day consists of workshops led by a panel of experts providing an interactive discussion on topics impacting the AANHPI community.

Scholarships and Internships

OCA National offers a variety of internships for high school and college students to intern at Washington D.C. at various government offices and OCA National.

This is a great opportunity for your members to gain work experience will living in Washington D.C.

In partnership with UPS, OCA gives out several scholarships for high school and college students. These students that receive these scholarships will get recognized at the OCA National Convention.

OCA Mentorship Graduation

Stronger Together

If your organization/club is looking to empower your members as AANHPI individuals and allies, then partnering with OCA will provide a visit amount of opportunities and benefits.

Connect with us or join as an OCA member here.