1975 – Chapter 76

The 58th session of the Nevada legislative approved the use of independent certified public accountants or account firms to audit all fiscal records once a year and is applied to the state board of Chinese medicine.

See the excerpt below.

“Section 1.  NRS 218.825 is hereby amended to read as follows: 218.825  1.  Each of the boards and commissions created by the provisions of chapters 623 to 625, inclusive, chapters 628 to 644, inclusive, and [chapter 653] chapters 653 and 656 of NRS shall engage the services of an independent certified public accountant or public accountant, or firm of either of such accountants, to audit all of its fiscal records once each year between June 30 and December 1 for the preceding fiscal year. The cost of the audit shall be paid by the board or commission audited … The provisions of NRS 218.825 apply to the state board of Chinese medicine, the state board of hearing aid specialists and the board of marriage and family counselor examiners.”

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Source: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/Statutes/57th/Stats197301.html#Stats197301_CH109